Come on in. Have a look around. Make yourself at home. You're very welcome.
Come on in. Have a look around. Make yourself at home. You're very welcome.
Have a watch of some of the best bits from the TV - sometimes, they even put make-up on me….
Sometimes I write things for people to read. You can get stuck into some of the best bits of my writing here.
Hello there. How are you? You look lovely today. Have you had your hair done?
My name is Darryl Morris. I’m a radio broadcaster, documentary maker, sometime writer and occasional TV pundit.
You can find me every Saturday and Sunday night, chewing the fat on the mighty Times Radio. You can listen and watch my documentaries all over the place. Or right here, on this website. And every now and again, I pop up on TV programmes like The Jeremy Vine Show to talk authoritatively about things I don’t actually know very much about.
Thanks for coming by. It’ll be lovely to spend some time with you. Have a browse around, and feel free to say hello using the contact page. Even if it’s to tell me you hate me. In fact, no, don’t do that. I’ll just assume you do.