Author Archives Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 19.03.21 – A Look in the Mirror

It was one of those moments, like the moon landing, the death of Diana and when Coleen Rooney accused Rebekah Vardy of selling stories about her. We’ll be able to tell our grandchildren exactly where we were when – a year ago on Tuesday and with a viral infection sweeping

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 12.05.21 – Listening Week

Sometimes, as we put the show together on a Friday morning, we can spend hours trawling through ideas for guests. Do they have the right story to tell? Will they be interesting, relevant and give us the insight we want? This morning, producer Issy and I were pondering who to

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 05.03.21 – 1%

“One big positive about the clap for carers has been the impact on kids,” said Andrew, calling my talkRADIO show one Friday morning after the nation had taken to their doorsteps, “my 8 year old has had his opinion of his mum, a nurse, transformed and it has reinforced the

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By Darryl Morris

The Art of Small Talk

Hello. How are you? How did you get here? Via the A6? I love that road. How are you at small talk? That inconsequential chit chat in the street, the office, the supermarket or at the start of a party? As we take stock of the fall-out from the pandemic,

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 26.02.21 – Small Talk

I am at Tesco, minding my own business and studying the courgettes. “Darryl!” cries a voice at the other end of the aisle. Oh, sh*t. Somebody I know. Somebody I know who wants to have a conversation. Somebody I know who wants to have a conversation through masks, two meters

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 19.02.21 – Lockdown Easing Surgery

Humans like things to be simple. We like clear winners and losers, beginnings, middles and ends, good guys and bad guys. We shun complexity – or ambiguity – in favour of simple explanations that make us feel like we understand the world. The handling of a public health crisis is

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By Darryl Morris

In Conversation with… the BBC’s Chris Mason

I guest hosted an episode of the RadioToday Programme and wide reaching chat with Chris Mason - about radio, journalism, accents, Westminster, reporting on Brexit and that time he had to fill for three hours live on BBC One.

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 12.02.21 – Consequences

“Is this the start of the new order that we’ve been promised?” barked Eileen, calling from Liverpool with a well-worn theory; that somebody, somewhere is crafting a new world order and we’re all puppets in their game. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get to the bottom of who they are – or

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 05.02.21 – Lessons

Coming up this weekend on talkRADIO...

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 29.01.21 – One Hundred Thousand

It’s hard to process the death of one hundred thousand people. In fact, it’s almost impossible. I have been staring at pictures of packed football stadiums and festival crowds, but nothing seems to capture the enormity of it.

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By Darryl Morris