Lockdown Easing

Darryl Morris Weekly – 14.05.21 – How to Solve a Problem Like…

You’re going to hear a lot about Bolton this week. And not just from me, banging on about Bolton Wanderers’ spectacular promotion last weekend. Although, while we’re on the subject, we were 20th in February and finished 3rd overall. Really, quite something. Anyway. The real reason is altogether more troubling.

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 19.02.21 – Lockdown Easing Surgery

Humans like things to be simple. We like clear winners and losers, beginnings, middles and ends, good guys and bad guys. We shun complexity – or ambiguity – in favour of simple explanations that make us feel like we understand the world. The handling of a public health crisis is

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By Darryl Morris