
Times Radio: Manchester Arena Bombing Anniversary

May marked the fourth anniversary of the Manchester Arena bombing – and while four years isn’t a significant anniversary, it was the anniversary of something very significant. I joined Times Radio, live from the heart of Manchester, to reflect on those four years and the events being held to mark

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 21.05.21 – Four Years

As much as anything else, I remember the relentless buzz of news and police helicopters. The sky seemed to be busier than the city streets below. Every night, for what felt like weeks, the piercing sound of police sirens cut through any moment of peace. My apartment overlooked the Manchester

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 09.10.20 – What Difference Will It Make?

I bled a radiator this week. Not that I want to pander to toxic gender stereotypes, but I bloody nailed it because I’m a bloody man. We had a problem with the boiler. It started making a disturbing rumbling noise on Monday. After several days of doing what men also

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By Darryl Morris

BBC: Should You Give to the Homeless?

Should you give money to the homeless? It’s a debate that’s reared it’s head again in recent weeks, with calls to give money to charities, rather than directly the those on the street. Manchester City Councillor Pat Carney has suggested giving to the homeless perpetuates the problem… but is he

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By Darryl Morris