My Mates

New Sitcom – Staff Room

Check out the trailer to my mate’s new sitcom. Adam Brown has been working with some top people to pull ‘Staff Room’ together and the pilot stars Pat Sharp and Corrie bad boy Brian Capron. Watch the trailer…

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By Darryl Morris

Hattie on BBC Radio 1

When people ask me how my girlfriend, Hattie, is getting on… I talk and talk to the point that everybody becomes a little nauseous. For this, I apologise. It’s only because I’m bursting with pride. At 4am on Friday 29th March (this Good Friday), I’ll set my alarm for 4am to listen as she

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By Darryl Morris

William Hanson’s Christmas Card Ettiqutte

If, like me, you’ve left this whole Christmas thing to the last moment, then congratulations. For once, it’s actually paid to procrastinate. If you had your Christmas cards written out in mid-October, then you’ll no doubt have missed William Hanson’s list of Christmas card faux pas… and will probably have

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By Darryl Morris

Tech-hero Tom Talks Phones on BBC Breakfast

Tom Cheesewright regularly blew my mind as a contributor to the old Sunday Show’s on BBC Radio Manchester – here Tom talks about the rise of Samsung and the demise of Nokia on BBC Breakfast….

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By Darryl Morris