Black Lives Matter

Darryl Morris Weekly – 12.02.21 – Consequences

“Is this the start of the new order that we’ve been promised?” barked Eileen, calling from Liverpool with a well-worn theory; that somebody, somewhere is crafting a new world order and we’re all puppets in their game. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get to the bottom of who they are – or

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By Darryl Morris

talkRADIO: Patrick Hutchinson – Everybody Versus Racism

In the summer of 2020, in the heat of the Black Lives Matter protests, an image of Patrick Hutchinson made the world stop and pay attention.

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 14.11.20 – Builders and Destroyers

Dominic Cummings is a destroyer. More politely, a deconstructionist. He takes things he disapproves of and he dismantles them. Britain in Europe, the civil service, the Education system. His path through the civic institutions of Britain can be tracked by the mangled wreckage he leaves behind. And he does so

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By Darryl Morris

Donzaleigh Abernathy – a life in civil rights, protest and what comes next.

Donzaleigh Abernathy is one of the daughters of the civil rights movement. Her father, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, founded the movement alongside family friend Martin Luther King.

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By Darryl Morris