Radio show

God Next Door – BBC Radio 4

My new documentary - God Next Door - out now on BBC Sounds.

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 07.05.21 – Democracy… and a pinch of salt

I’ll let you into a secret: the slog of hard news and politics isn’t always fun for a speech radio presenter. It becomes draining and repetitive. Occasionally, you just want to cover stories about cool new inventions, trips to space or human endeavour. I’d even settle for the Virgin Mary

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 26.03.21 – We Need to Talk About…

We need to talk about porn. Specifically, revenge porn. Again. This week, a study showed that cases of revenge porn have doubled over the last twelve months, with lockdown and social restrictions playing no small part. It is a hideous crime. It is the very worst of us. And as

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 22.01.21 – Humans

This year’s live music events began to tumble this week, with Glastonbury officially cancelled and many others set to follow – likely wiping out most of 2021’s festival season. The problem for festivals isn’t just the gathering of crowds. The cost and logistical effort involved in getting the event ready,

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By Darryl Morris

talkRADIO: Jordan North… In Conversation

2020 was the year of pandemic and protest - but it was also the year the nation fell in love with Radio 1 presenter Jordan North. Jordan joined for a long chat about his time on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, his love of radio and growing

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 18.12.20 – Freedoms. Again.

We ask ourselves a lot of questions when we’re putting the show together. Should we talk about this? Is this helpful? Is it responsible? Does it make good radio? Is it interesting? Does anybody care? This weekend, we’ve asked ourselves a new one. Do we talk about this too much? This week, the issue

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 27.11.20 – Oh Tier, What a Mess

Imagine my excitement today, at finding something new in a story that’s becoming exhaustingly repetitive. I haven’t seen a single newspaper headline, tweet or Facebook status using the pun ‘Oh Tier, What a Mess’. The only thing more tiresome than the COVID measures themselves are the puns. If my single

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By Darryl Morris

talkRADIO: Patrick Hutchinson – Everybody Versus Racism

In the summer of 2020, in the heat of the Black Lives Matter protests, an image of Patrick Hutchinson made the world stop and pay attention.

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By Darryl Morris

Darryl Morris Weekly – 14.11.20 – Builders and Destroyers

Dominic Cummings is a destroyer. More politely, a deconstructionist. He takes things he disapproves of and he dismantles them. Britain in Europe, the civil service, the Education system. His path through the civic institutions of Britain can be tracked by the mangled wreckage he leaves behind. And he does so

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By Darryl Morris

Leave Means Leave: former government advisor on Cummings departure and life in Whitehall

Dominic Cummings has departed Downing Street, just five months after the government threw their credibility under the bus to save him, they've thrown him under a bus too. I'll resist the temptation to suggest that it has '£350m for the NHS' written across it. I spoke Catherine McLeod - former special

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By Darryl Morris